Welcome to the BEDL Index Stock Risk Report
Risk Management for the Retail Investor
Risk Management for the Retail Investor
Introduction to the Broad Equities D_risk Listing (BEDL) Index
The Broad Equities D_risk Listing (BEDL) Index is a market research tool and stock risk report oriented toward scrutiny of risk forces generated by individual stocks existing in a volatile environment, such as:
Risk is everywhere, we evaluate risk in everything we do (is it hot?, is it cold?) and use the determination of gain versus loss (will it burn?, will it freeze?) to form a course of action.
This determination can be assigned a standard of risk in numerical forms using the BEDL Index for the listed equities, the temperature of the coffee notwithstanding.
The BEDL Index is updated INFREQUENTLY but as often as we learn to build a good website.
It is free to use with the understanding that it reflects risk "now" as of the date / time stamped on the Market Risk and Stock Risk Reports.
This is a project under development, a brain exercise if you will, and gives no claim to the accuracy of a predictive model for trading any and all equities.
The BEDL Index is solely and completely the exclusive endeavor of the publisher and makes no legal or authoritative trading pronouncement of any and all forms of equity, or any other security of value.
Anyone utilizing the BEDL Index for trading purposes assumes ALL liabilities incurred by the user, including but not limited to outages, and anything else, it’s an EXPERIMENT, and, as such, should be viewed with SKEPTICISM!
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